Explorer API
Metadium Explorer provides an Open API to deliver data. The available API types include Accounts, Blocks, Contracts, Transactions, Event logs, and Tokens.
API List
Network URI
Mainnet: https://api.metadium.com/{api}
Testnet: https://testnetapi.metadium.com/{api}
Content-Type: application/json
api-key: api key
The key to use the API can be obtained from Metadium Explorer.
The Metadium Explorer Open API is provided as a community service without any guarantee, so please only use what is necessary and refrain from using it further.
Please obtain a free API Key Token within the My Account -> API Keys section to use the API service. The API Key Token can be used with all your API requests.
If you use the API for commercial applications or websites, you must display a link back or indicate "Powered by Metadium.io APIs."
Last updated