Network Structure

The Metadium blockchain network consists of a Block Provider Network (BPN) that creates blocks, an End Node Network (ENN) that anyone can install and access the Metadium blockchain, and a BNN (BNN) that protects the BPN between both networks. It consists of a Bridge Node Network).

Block Producer Network(BPN)

BPN refers to the network that generates blocks on the Metadium blockchain and is not directly influenced by the outside world. Nodes in the network are responsible for creating blocks and disseminating block creation information to all Metadium nodes.

Bridge Node Network(BNN)

The role of miners in blockchain is vital . In particular, consortium networks where miners are identified can be targets of attacks from outside. To mitigate these attacks, we constructed a BNN that bridge the externally accessible ENN and BPN.

  • BNN physically protects BPN from direct external attacks.

  • Valid transactions received from ENN are verified and sent to BPN.

  • Valid blocks delivered from BPN are verified and transmitted to ENN.

  • Some of the nodes in BNN perform the boot node function.

    • Boot Node: All new nodes except BP nodes participating in the blockchain network must receive all block data generated from neighboring nodes. It provides a bootstrapping service that allows new nodes participating in the network to connect to the P2P network through P2P hand shaking and is a service node that is always online.

End Node Network(ENN)

ENN is the end-point of Metadium Network. Users can install and operate it themselves and generate transactions.

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