
# Phase 1 - Chain Improvement

Metadium seeks to enhance its chain to adapt to the rapidly changing trends in the blockchain network. While Metadium already boasts a structure that provides high reliability and sufficient performance, preparing for future changes requires altering some complex and heavy processes and adding additional support for ecosystem needs based on years of experience. Through these changes, Metadium gains scalability to accommodate new technologies and service trends, ensuring readiness to implement future upgrades safely and swiftly.

# Phase 2 - Chain Reliability Reinforcement

The changes in Metadium governance aim to enhance the trustworthiness of the chain. However, recognizing limitations in bolstering trust solely within a single network, Metadium introduces a solution by injecting reliability through connections with other chain networks, aligning with recent technological trends. Metadium conducts checkpoints on other chain networks at specific intervals with verified trustworthiness to prevent data tampering. Additionally, through connections with these trusted chain networks, various improvements and upgrades that were previously restricted within the existing Metadium network alone will also be pursued.

# Phase 3 - DID Usability Expansion

If Metadium's upgrade changes governance and establishes a trust environment for the chain network, Metadium will complete a more powerful trust environment for DID services. Future upgrades are aimed at expanding DID usability by further broadening its scope of use and providing more diverse functions. Metadium plans to add DID usage on-chain and expects the chain to be reborn as an identity layer through solid connections with other chains. As DID services expand their scope of use on-chain, transactions using DID will increase, ultimately become a solution that can improve both the revitalization of the network ecosystem and the stability of services.

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